Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm just back from school

I'm really tired just now.I'm just back from school.
Just now at school we have a role play and I've won!
I've got a price.
It is some stationary that I really need those .
It is a high-lighter, a eraser and a glue.
But I have a eraser already, so,I gave it to my little brother whose name is Haris.
When I recieved it my teacher said 'congratulations,Sarah'.Then I said,'Thanks' with a smile on my face :) .
But that is on my MT subject.
Tomorrow my group members and me are going to present our slideshow which is 'Our Terrarium'. Then also tomorrow,Group 3 and 4 are going to read their poems aloud by holding a microphone and I'm from group 3 so tomorrow I need to read my poems aloud infront my classmates.Owwww..... how embarrass it was!
But I want to try my BEST!
Just now was Group 1 and 2 and from group 1 was my bestfriend,Noryani she kept laughing and smiling 'cause she was a very shy person.Then when she lauged,my teacher said,'ok,ok I will read your poem for you.' 'Thanks,Mr Tam' Noryani said.
Then my teacher began to read.
ok done
I mean thats all,thanks.
Bye! :)

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