....I went to Dungun,Terangganu,Malaysia....
It is very fun...
We live in the Village....
We play with the chickens...
My cousins,my bro and me slept outside..and it was so...
..Cold...as it rains..
But on our way to Dungun,I vomit many times and our way back home....
....I also Vomit!!!!!..
And that makes me really BORING in the car!
Our cousins that live in Dungun.. help us around...
We went to many places...
We took many pics too..
In the morning and evening is always hot!!
But in the night it is VERY VERY COLD....
I love to sleep outside then sleeping inside the room if I am in a village...
...As if I sleep outside,I can feel the cold...
..But if I sleep inside,it is hot I mean stuffy ....
...Even there is fan..
But we can feel the air from the fan!!!
At that is why I hate to sleep inside if I am in the village...
So now I want to play online games!!! :)
Wait for the next topic...
..of Sassy Sarah Abode! :)
Great holiday at kampung? ...