Friday, June 5, 2009

Robotics Competition


Yesterday my bro went for a competition....
It is 'Robotics Competition'! :)
He had it at I.M.M....
Level3,Garden Plaza...
My mom,my lil' Bro and of course me,when there...
It was very tiring as we reached there at about 11.30 am or about 12.00pm...
And till 6.00pm...
Tiring right?... :(
But what to say,we want to support Fikri ( my bro)....
So,he won and when to the final and it happened just now...
We went there again...
My lil' bro and me,felt BORING!
So,we played the water...
After we were all wet and tired of playing the water,
we dry ourselves at the toilet.. or should I say... washroom? :)
After we dry ourselves,I told my mom that did my bro win?
Then my mom said nope..
Then his teacher,Mr Ng, and 4 others friends pack-up to get off...
But my bro followed us home...
My bro was sad...
So, my mom tried to cheer him up...
So,we walk for a while at I.M.M...
Then,my lil' bro was tired...
So,we went back home....
And... now sharing with u about whats going on to me is fun :)
So wait for the next topic of....

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