Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sport's Carnival

I've just had my Lunch and now I am going to talk about the Sport's Carnival which I had it just now!
I played Shooting Star,Kick the ball and 2 more games(I can't remember them).
I had a drink.Which is ORANGE JUICE!
I really hate that drink!
But what to say,feeling very thirsty and just DRINK IT!
Than after those things,we had our YOG(Youth Olympics Games).But the teacher who take care of us and had the YOG lessons with us were so BOSSY!
And we didn't enjoyed it!
That teacher was a SHOW-OFF teacher!
Than after we had our BORING YOG,we went for our Recess at 11.00 am.
After our Recces,we had our MT.
That is 11.30 am.I really love to have MT.So I enjoyed it!
After our MT, we had our House CHEER!
And we won,3rd POSITION!!!...
But not fair,my bro got 2nd!
But nvm it is just for this year and next year my bro is secondary!
ok,my topic will end here!
Bye,see u guys in the NEXT topic of,Sassy Sarah's Abode!...

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