Sunday, November 15, 2009

School Holidays?


School holidays r coming right?

Yup ...I think so..

I'm not sure where we r going

Cos I've never received news frm my parents

So,I hope we will go overseas...

I hope when it is school holidays,we will go to the..
  • Wild Wild Wet
  • Snow City

That if we don't go to overseas...

So,I hope my holidays will be fun and enjoying..

Same to you..friends...

Have a nice and pleasent holiday! :)


Friday, September 4, 2009

Fasting Month....


It was so fast as it is fasting month already...
But it's really great!!!
Love it...
But on the first day,my stomach was like....
I don't know how to explain...
So,on the second day,it's fine...
About a few weeks later,I break-fast at my cousin's house...
We ate Sarpino's Pizza and "longtong"...
They were too delicious!!!
I want to play ONLINE GAMES!!
See u at the next topic of...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

For my Holidays...

....I went to Dungun,Terangganu,Malaysia....
It is very fun...
We live in the Village....
We play with the chickens...
My cousins,my bro and me slept outside..and it was so... it rains..
But on our way to Dungun,I vomit many times and our way back home....
....I also Vomit!!!!!..
And that makes me really BORING in the car!
Our cousins that live in Dungun.. help us around...
We went to many places...
We took many pics too..
In the morning and evening is always hot!!
But in the night it is VERY VERY COLD....
I love to sleep outside then sleeping inside the room if I am in a village...
...As if I sleep outside,I can feel the cold...
..But if I sleep inside,it is hot I mean stuffy ....
...Even there is fan..
But we can feel the air from the fan!!!
At that is why I hate to sleep inside if I am in the village...
So now I want to play online games!!! :)
Wait for the next topic...
..of Sassy Sarah Abode! :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Somebody came to my house......

Yesterday,my cousins came to my house...
Let me introduce them...
1. Uncle Azalino,Uncle Nino
2.Aunt Suhaila
3.Sis Syahindah
4.Nek Milah;and

Uncle Nino is kind and caring....
Aunt Suhaila is kind and caring too...
Sis Syahindah.... hmmmm.... I think she is kind too...
Nek Milah is kind too...
Sofea is cute and pretty...

My grandparents talked with them as they had not met for along time...
But it is actually about...some weeks...
Sofea always read books when she came to my house...
She must be clever when she grow up...
Ginger,my kitten,run there and here...
As when people came to visit our house,he is shy...
So,about some time,it is ok...
I carried him and pet him...
Aunt Suhaila came a pet him too....
Then the cute and pretty girl came,you know who is it???....
It is SOFEA! :)
She tried to pet it too...
She's kind of scared...
Then,I put Ginger down...
And washed my hands with soap...
Then I drank some water...
I cleaned my room 'cause my uncle and aunt wants to pray in my room..
So I welcomed them..
My grandparents talk and talk none stop... with them..
But what to say,Long time had not met....
Kays,I want to play some online games in the computer..
So today's topic has ended...
Wait for the next topic....

Monday, June 8, 2009

What a fun day!

Last Friday,my cousin,Fatihah came to our house...
She stayed with us for 3 days.....
And that means 2 nights! :)
She slept in my room for 1 day and another day,she slept at my bros' I also slept there...
We baked cookies....went to JP 1 & 2...go to shop...go to 7 eleven.....
To buy things!! :)
On the first day,when we slept together at my room,we can't sleep...'cos we still have our bright eyes open....
So,we played in the room...till 1.00am... My parents knew we can't sleep but they said that...At least we didn't disturb them...
So,the second day,we felt very sleepy 'cos we had been playing....So,we just closed our eyes..
And then *SNORING*...hehehehehheheee....
So ,the 3rd day,is the last day,we went to JP 1 & 2 to watched MADAGASCAR 2 ESCAPE 2 AFRICA....
And then we went to LONG JOHN SILVER...TO EAT OF COURES...
Then...we sent Fatihah home...And then Fatihah and me felt sad...
But I said to her...Next time,you can come to my house..kays???
Then,of coures she accept it..So we promised it...
And that is THE END..........
See ya next time! :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Robotics Competition


Yesterday my bro went for a competition....
It is 'Robotics Competition'! :)
He had it at I.M.M....
Level3,Garden Plaza...
My mom,my lil' Bro and of course me,when there...
It was very tiring as we reached there at about 11.30 am or about 12.00pm...
And till 6.00pm...
Tiring right?... :(
But what to say,we want to support Fikri ( my bro)....
So,he won and when to the final and it happened just now...
We went there again...
My lil' bro and me,felt BORING!
So,we played the water...
After we were all wet and tired of playing the water,
we dry ourselves at the toilet.. or should I say... washroom? :)
After we dry ourselves,I told my mom that did my bro win?
Then my mom said nope..
Then his teacher,Mr Ng, and 4 others friends pack-up to get off...
But my bro followed us home...
My bro was sad...
So, my mom tried to cheer him up...
So,we walk for a while at I.M.M...
Then,my lil' bro was tired...
So,we went back home....
And... now sharing with u about whats going on to me is fun :)
So wait for the next topic of....

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Holidays are here!
I think my family,my cuzens,my grandparents & me r going to TERANGGANU,Malaysia.
We will stay at a KAMPONG for 4 days!!!..
Which I hate that!
I just wish how can I stay at the hotel,feeling the cooling air-corn for the 4 days at there! :)
But my Grandma told me that the hotel is near to the graveyard.Which is SC....AAAA...RRRRYYY....
So no choice,I need to stay at the KAMPONG!
OKAY,I need to sent my younger bro to skool! :)
Will see u guys in the next topic of...
See ya! :)

Sport's Carnival

I've just had my Lunch and now I am going to talk about the Sport's Carnival which I had it just now!
I played Shooting Star,Kick the ball and 2 more games(I can't remember them).
I had a drink.Which is ORANGE JUICE!
I really hate that drink!
But what to say,feeling very thirsty and just DRINK IT!
Than after those things,we had our YOG(Youth Olympics Games).But the teacher who take care of us and had the YOG lessons with us were so BOSSY!
And we didn't enjoyed it!
That teacher was a SHOW-OFF teacher!
Than after we had our BORING YOG,we went for our Recess at 11.00 am.
After our Recces,we had our MT.
That is 11.30 am.I really love to have MT.So I enjoyed it!
After our MT, we had our House CHEER!
And we won,3rd POSITION!!!...
But not fair,my bro got 2nd!
But nvm it is just for this year and next year my bro is secondary!
ok,my topic will end here!
Bye,see u guys in the NEXT topic of,Sassy Sarah's Abode!...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A best day ever!


Feeling so tired lah.
Ok so now,I'm going to tell u about my day at school just now.
I've got a present from my Malay teacher,Miss Nur Marina which I called her in Malay is Cikgu Marina because she said that I 'm the highest in Malay.Too bad that my best friend,Noryani,can't take her Exams on the Malay subject because she was sick.I think if she came,we will have the same marks 'cause we are all the same in studies.
Than tomorrow,we will have Sports Carnival.
I think it will be a tiring day tomorrow!
But nevermind it is good 'cause tomorrow there will be no lessons and only Malay!!!....
Because there is Sports Carnival.
It is from 7.30am till 2.00pm!
What a tiring day tomorrow!
ok I will end my topic here and will write another one! :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Exams are over!
English is easy.
Maths is DIFFICULT!!!....
Science is ok ok ok lah...
Malay is VERY EASY!
I'm the first one in Malay!
In my own class position,I got 2nd!
Glad to be me!
But it is just MID-year Examinations not END-year Examinations right???.....
But my parents were proud of me!
Hope I could do more better in the END-year Examinations. :)
I want to aim for 1st!
But only if I did it with my heart.
Will see you on the next topic of Sassy Sarah's Abode! :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Trial at Jacob's Ballas

Having a great day at Jacob's Ballas on last Thursday,21/5/2009.
It was a wonderful place where we can see flowers all around.I went there with my p4 schoolmates.Our teacher then divided us into groups of five and there must be at least one leader in each group.My group members chose me to be the group leader.So,I need to lead them everywhere.Our teacher did not lead us,the leaders must lead.So it was tiring.It looks like we are having an amazing race.we drank lots of water as the weather is too hot there.last time,I've when there with my family too!We visited the Botanic Garden and the Jacob Ballas too!
It was a fun day but a little bit tiring 'cos we all ran to win the race.We not sure which group wins but it is ok.Hope I will go there with my cousins next time! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'm just back from school

I'm really tired just now.I'm just back from school.
Just now at school we have a role play and I've won!
I've got a price.
It is some stationary that I really need those .
It is a high-lighter, a eraser and a glue.
But I have a eraser already, so,I gave it to my little brother whose name is Haris.
When I recieved it my teacher said 'congratulations,Sarah'.Then I said,'Thanks' with a smile on my face :) .
But that is on my MT subject.
Tomorrow my group members and me are going to present our slideshow which is 'Our Terrarium'. Then also tomorrow,Group 3 and 4 are going to read their poems aloud by holding a microphone and I'm from group 3 so tomorrow I need to read my poems aloud infront my classmates.Owwww..... how embarrass it was!
But I want to try my BEST!
Just now was Group 1 and 2 and from group 1 was my bestfriend,Noryani she kept laughing and smiling 'cause she was a very shy person.Then when she lauged,my teacher said,'ok,ok I will read your poem for you.' 'Thanks,Mr Tam' Noryani said.
Then my teacher began to read.
ok done
I mean thats all,thanks.
Bye! :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Favourite Books

Hear ye! Hear ye!
Judy Moody has a mood for every occasion and after visiting Boston with her family, she′s in the mood for LIBERTY and FREEDOM—freedom from her parents′ rules and her pesky little brother, that is. But Judy′s plans to declare independence, just like the patriots did in 1776, wind up getting her into hot water. For sure and absolute positive, the founding fathers never had problems like hers!
Will Judy be able to prove, once and for all, that she′s ready for a bit more independence? No matter which side wins, readers will be cheering Huzzah! at Judy′s latest revolutionary adventure...Source from Judy Moody

Judy gets a taste of her own medicine in this hilarious new episode that’s sure to tickle your humerus (AKA funny bone)!
Judy Moody has a mood for every occasion, and now, she, Judy Moody, is in a medical mood! It’s no secret that Judy wants to be like Elizabeth Blackwell, First Woman Doctor, when she grows up. So when Class 3T starts to study the Amazing Human Body, Judy can hardly wait to begin her better-than-best-ever third-grade projects: show-and-tell with something way rarer than a scab, a real-live ooey-gooey operation, and a cloning experiment that may create double trouble for Judy and her friends. RARE! ... Source from Judy Moody

I really love these books which are Judy Moody Declares Independence and Doctor Judy Moody.The author of these novels is Megan McDonald and was illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds. The site to Judy Moody is here

I would like buy more story books by Megan McDonald, so I have to keep saving my dollars from now on.

My Family

I have a family which consist of my mom by the name of Raihana,my dad which is Rahman,my big brother which his name is Muhammad Fikri and my little brother which is Muhd. Haris.

They are all my family!

I'm glad to have them in my life!

Talking about their hobbies......

hmmm...... ok.

My mom loves to play with her hammies.My dad loves to read newspapers.My big brother loves to play PSP and computer games and lastly my little brother loves to play with his toy cars,his bicycle and as well as the hammies.

What about their favourite colours?

hmmm........ Aha!

My mom likes green.My dad likes green as well.My big brother likes red and my little brother likes blue.

What else???...


Ok. Thats all! :)
